US Embassy Lagos Nigeria

US Embassy Nigeria Visa Interview in Lagos, Nigeria

Embassy Name & Address
2, Walter Carrington Crescent
Victoria Island
Lagos, Nigeria

Contact Information
Phone: (234)-1-261-5697 or (234)-1-261-5699 or (234) 1 460 3400

Embassy URL




Obtaining Police Certificate
Available, for those in-country. The Nigerian Police Force no longer accepts requests made through the American Embassy. Applicants need to contact the Deputy Inspector General, Criminal Investigation Department, Nigeria Police Force, Alagbon Close, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. Fee should be in the form of a bank draft payable to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Fingerprint Section, Nigeria Police Force. The applicant should bring information regarding their full name, place and date of birth, nationality, passport number, date and place of issuance (for current passport or passport used during applicant’s stay in Nigeria), exact periods of residence in Nigeria and addresses where applicant resided. Each applicant 16 years of age and over must also provide (1) a copy of the first three data pages of his or her passport, (20) the pages containing Nigerian visas, entry and departure stamps and (3) a complete set of fingerprints taken by the police in the district where the applicant resides.

Applicants outside the country are advised that mailed requests for police certificates are not an effective method of obtaining the records. It is recommended that applicants outside Nigeria obtain a police certificate upon their next visit, or enlist the assistance of a friend or relative able to physically visit the Deputy Inspector General.

Medical Exam Details
After she has mailed her readiness documents to the consulate, she should receive confirmation from the consulate her packet has been received, along with instructions to obtain a medical exam. She should arrange to have her medical at latest 1-2 weeks before her consulate interview. She should fill in and bring her, passport, three visa photos, and her vaccination records. It is recommended she brings her vaccinations up to date while at the clinic. This is required when she applies for her Green card, so by doing it now she will save herself time later.

Depending on the clinic, they will either courier the results directly to the consulare, or give her a sealed envelope with test results. She must NOT break the seal. She must bring the unopened envelope with her to the embassy interview.

By Fred Wahl