US Embassy Morocco Visa Interview in Casa Blanca Morocco
Embassy Name & Address
Consulat General Des Etats Unis
Visa Unit 8 Boulevard Moulay Youssef
Contact Information
Phone: VISA OFFICE: 0661-99-83-64 (Call this number with questions)
Casablanca Visa Office: 522-26-45-50 ext. 0
Public Affairs Main Office: 522-22-14-60, x 222
Phone inquiries will ONLY be accepted Monday through Friday 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm at 0661-99-83-64.
**(+/00 212 if calling outside Morocco)example: 011-212-522-26-45-50
Immigrant visas:
Nonimmigrant visas:
Embassy URL
Obtaining Police Certificate
Available. Moroccan citizens, over 18 years of age, must obtain a Fiche Anthropometrique and a Casier Judiciaire from the Central Police station at their place of residence. The identity card, which is necessary to obtain the Fiche Anthropometrique, is not available to Moroccans under 18, therefore, Moroccans aged 16 to 18 should present an extract from the judicial records (Extrait du Casier Judiciaire). For non-Moroccan citizens, an extract from the judicial records (Extrait du Casier Judiciaire) must be obtained. Police and penal records are not delivered to third parties.
A Fiche Anthropometrique can be obtained by resident citizens of Morocco upon presentation of the new format National Identification Card (Carte Nationale), a stamped self-addressed envelope, and a fee to the Service de l’Anthropometrie of the Central Police Station of the place of residence. [For schedule of fees, applicants should contact the Moroccan consular office nearest their place of residence.] Non-resident Moroccan citizens may request a Fiche Anthropometrique by writing directly to the Direction General de la Surete Nationale, Fichier Central de L’Anthropometrie, Rabat. The number and date of issue of the new format Carte Nationale must be included in the request. The fiche Anthropometrique is delivered only to bearers of the new format Carte Nationale.
The extrait du Casier Judiciaire can be obtained from the Tribunal de Premiere Instance of the place of birth by foreigners born in Morocco. Applicants must present some form of official document, such as a birth certificate, carte d’immatriculation, or a passport at the time of application. Foreigners not born in Morocco must make an application to the Casier Judiciaire Central, Ministere de la Justice, Rabat. Requests by mail must be accompanied by an authenticated identity paper bearing pertinent identity information, a photograph of the applicant and a self-addressed envelope.
Medical Exam Details
She should arrange to have her medical at latest 2 weeks before her consulate interview. She should bring her appointment letter, Passport, 2x Visa Photos, and her vaccination records. It is recommended she brings her vaccinations up to date while at the clinic. This is required later when she applies for her Green card in the USA, so by doing it now she will save herself time and expense later.
Dr. Alain Guidon
6 Rue Mohamed Ben Ali
(Ex. Jean Juares)
Quartier Gauthier
Tel: 522-26-71-53
Dr. Khadija Zirari
29 Rue Taha Houcine
Quartier Gauthier
Tel: 522-49-16-80/81
Dr. Abdelouahed Ambari
14 Bd Ain Taoujtate
Imm Riad 2eme Etage. Bourgogne
Tel: 522-26-89-73
Cost of Medical Exam
1,390 MAD for men as of August 2012, if age is 25 or older. Under 25 add 600 MAD to the price. (Dr. Khadija Zirari) This covers the costs of your chest x-ray (to check for TB) and the cost of 4 vaccines (DT/DTP/DTap, Polio/OPV/IPV, MMR, and Varicella)+ Bloodtest
By Fred Wahl