US Citizenship Naturalization

Naturalization: Becoming a US citizen

To become a Citizen of the United States, The eligibility requirements are:

You must be a lawful permanent resident.

You must be 18 years or older

You must have continuous residence in the USA and be of good moral character


For my clients who got their green cards through marriage. The continuous residence period is only 3 years. And we can start the naturalization process even before that, three months earlier. So that it may be possible to be sworn in as a US citizen on the exact three year anniversary of the start of your permanent residence.

Other green card holders, those not married to US citizens must wait till they have accrued 5 full years of permanent residence.

The next eligibility requirement is that you confirm you have “Attachment” to the US Constitution

The Constitution is the document that sets up how U.S. Government and laws of the US work.

Attachment means you agree with the Constitution�s principles, and you will support and defend them.

Finally, you must demonstrate knowledge of English and US Civics.

If you are married to a US citizen, once you have reached 2 years and 9 months of permanent residency, or if not married to a US citizen, you have reached 5 years of permanent residency we submit the application for Naturalization to USCIS.

The application includes evidences of your eligibility.

And just like when we worked earlier to obtain your fiance or spouse visa and adjustment of status. I will provide you with a detailed and personalized list of the photos, documents and evidences needed for your shoebox.

You’ll not hear from USCIS for a while, but eventually they will schedule you for a formal Interview and tell you where and when to go.

You’ll want to bring to the interview, the appointment notice, your green card, your passports, and US id’s, as well as the evidence portion from the application we submitted, which will have all the supporting and evidence documents that might be needed.

At the start of the interview, the USCIS officer goes over your application in front of you, and asks questions about what you have submitted.

He’ll ask your name, address, where you come from, marital history, travel history, etc. He is just confirming that you know what’s been stated on the application and that and still stick with what you said. And during this Q + A your ability to speak English is measured.

When satisfied, he’ll ask for you to sign the application again.

Then on to the Civics and English reading and writing tests. You have already passed the English speaking portion.

You are shown three sentences, and asked to read one out loud.

Then you are shown three sentences and asked to write a copy of one.

The vocabulary words used are all very basic and available for study at the USCIS website or from your VisaCoach account page.

The civics test consists of 100 possible questions. The officer may ask up to 10 (chosen randomly) and to pass, you must get at least 6 right.

Study materials are also available at USCIS or your VisaCoach account page. The only marginally tricky issue, is that everytime there is an election, a half dozen of the answers change: for example who is the President,who is your local Senator, who is your state’s Governor, and so on.

At the end of the interview the officer lets you know you passed, and that the next step will be your swearing in ceremony.

Depending on where you live the oath taking ceremony will be scheduled after a few months. If you are married to a US citizen and applied right at the 2 year, 9 month mark, you will have to wait at least until your 3 year Green card anniversary has passed.

The Naturalization swearing-in ceremony is a big affair. Typically a few hundred immigrants will be sworn in at the same time, and various elected officials, judges, prominent individuals attend to give speechs and welcome the brand new US Citizens.

After your oath ceremony you are officially a US citizen and have all the rights and responsibilities that come with.

Previously, as a Lawful Permanent Resident you could apply to sponsor your spouse or child for immigration to the USA, but no one else.

Now as a US citizen, you can Also sponsor a fiance, your parents, and your siblings for immigration.

And of course, VisaCoach is available to help you make it happen

By Fred Wahl
the VisaCoach

K1 Fiance visa steps to US Citizenship

K1 Fiance to US Citizen in 6 Steps

I speak to a lot of callers who think that once their fiance arrives in the USA and they get married that the fiance automatically becomes a US citizen. Sorry, this is not true. So here I will try to clarify the steps, starting from long distance romance through Naturalization when your fiance can finally become a US Citizen.


Step 1: Find Her or Him

The process starts with you falling in love with someone who was born and lives outside the USA. While it is pretty easy to meet someone using the internet and it is pretty easy again for a US citizen to travel wherever he likes in the world it turns out it’s not so easy to bring your new love to live with you permanently in the USA. So this requires the next step. Continue reading “K1 Fiance visa steps to US Citizenship”

How to Apply for US Citizenship

Applying for US Citizenship

Generally, a person who aims to naturalize will have first to become a permanent resident.

Becommng a US citizen, you obtain numerous rights that in fact permament residents or others would not have, this includes the right to vote.

To qualify for naturalization, you need to first meet particular requirements.

What are Naturalization’s basic requirements?

Continue reading “How to Apply for US Citizenship”

USCIS: New Filing Fees Effective October 2


USCIS has finally confirmed it’s new fee schedule. It takes effect in less than two months, on October 2, 2020. And that is not a lot of time to prepare a solid application.

If you are considering applying for US citizenship, you should submit asap (before October 2) and avoid a 61% price increase ($445).

If applying for for Adjustment of Status for a Child you can avoid a 51% increase ($380).

If applying for Work or Travel Authorization (at same time as Adjustment of Status) you can still get these Free of Charge ($0 !!). Currently Work Authorization and Travel Authorization applications when submitted at same time as Adjustment of Status need no filing fee, they are included “Free of Charge” as part of the adjustment of status process. But, starting October 2 they cost $545 and $585 respectively.

For Fiance and Spouse visas the change is marginal, only $25. Up $25 for fiancee visas, down $25 for spouse and relative visas.

USCIS: Filing Fees Go up on October 2

New Fees: Effective October 2, 2020
Old Filing Fee New Filing Fee Change
Fiance Visa $535 $510 –  $25
Spouse Visa $535 $560 + $25
Concurrent Filing $1,760 $1,690 – $70
Adjustment of Status (Adult)
Adjustment of Status (Child)
with Work Authorization
with Travel Permission
$   750
$       0
$       0
$   545
$   585
  – $95
+ $380
+ $545
+ $585
Removal Conditions on Residence $680 $ 760 + $80
US Citizenship $725 $ 1,170 + $445
Relative Visa
(Child, Parent, Sibling)
$535 $ 560 + $25

Click here for the FULL schedule of new USCIS fees

US Citizenship $445 Fee Increase apply before October 2

Apply for US Citizenship Save $445


The filing fee to become naturalized as a US citizen is increasing by 61%, up $445,  from $725 to $1,170,

The new fee starts on October 2, 2020

If you have met the eligibility requirements to become a citizen, apply now and avoid the price jump.

The primary requirement is that you have been a lawful resident of the United States for a few years.

If you married a US citizen, and have been married to that US citizen for at least two years
and nine months during your permanent residency, then you are eligible to apply.

Or if you are not married to a US citizen, or were and are now divorced,then you are eligible to
apply after 5 years of permanent residency.

In the case of a spouse of a US citizen, if your green card came from the marriage,
then after two years of residence you had to apply for removal of conditions.

This process sometimes is pretty slow, and often takes more than a year before you
get your permanent green card, the so called ten year green card.

As long as you have accrued two years and nine months of lawful residence, even though your final,
and permanent, green card has not yet been approved and issued.

You do NOT have to wait. You can begin the application for naturalization, right now.

Besides the requirement on residency, the following eligibility requirements must also be met

One: You must be 18 years or older

Two: You must be of good moral character

Three: You agree to support and defend the the principles of the US Constitution

Four: You can speak and read English

Five: Finally you must pass a simple multiple choice test on US Civics.

At the end of the interview the officer
lets you know you passed, and that the next
step will be your swearing in, naturalization ceremony.

After your this ceremony you are officially a US citizen
and have all the rights and responsibilities that
come with.

You can vote, get a US passport, and sponsor fiance, parents
and siblings for immigration to join you in the USA.

Eligibility Requirements for US Citizenship

To become a US citizen from a Lawful Resident, requires meeting requirements of residence, age, language, moral character, as well as a knowledge of US history and civics. The foreign spouse of a US Citizen is eligible to apply for naturalization much sooner than an intending immigrant who is not currently married to a US Citizen.

The primary requirement is that you have been a lawful resident of the United States for a few years.

If you married a US citizen, and have been married to that US citizen for at least two years
and nine months during your permanent residency, then you are eligible to apply.

Or if you are not married to a US citizen, or were and are now divorced,then you are eligible to
apply after 5 years of permanent residency.

In the case of a spouse of a US citizen, if your green card came from the marriage,
then after two years of residence you had to apply for removal of conditions.

This process sometimes is pretty slow, and often takes more than a year before you
get your permanent green card, the so called ten year green card.

As long as you have accrued two years and nine months of lawful residence, even though your final,
and permanent, green card has not yet been approved and issued.

You do NOT have to wait. You can begin the application for naturalization, right now.

Besides the requirement on residency, the following eligibility requirements must also be met

One: You must be 18 years or older

Two: You must be of good moral character

Three: You agree to support and defend the the principles of the US Constitution

Four: You can speak and read English

Five: Finally you must pass a simple multiple choice test on US Civics.

At the end of the interview the officer
lets you know you passed, and that the next
step will be your swearing in, naturalization ceremony.

After your this ceremony you are officially a US citizen
and have all the rights and responsibilities that
come with.

You can vote, get a US passport, and sponsor fiance, parents
and siblings for immigration to join you in the USA.

This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach

US Citizenship Civics Test reverts back to simpler pre-2020 version

Biden makes US Citizenship Test Easier

President Biden has discarded the 2020 US naturalization Civics test created under President Trump, and reverted the test used for US citizenship to the earlier, simpler version that has been used by USCIS since 2008.

Towards the end of President Trumps term of office, USCIS under direction from
the White House revamped the Civics Test that applicants
for naturalization to US Citizenship had to pass.

The old test originally created in 2008 relied on 100 simple multiple choice questions.

The new 2020 test required verbal descriptive answers, about American history,
political structure, and the applicant’s intent to be a “good American”.

Whether or not an applicant actually passed the test became became subject to interpretation by the USCIS testing officer.

It became the officers discretion on whether to pass or fail.

This was all in an effort by the Trump Administration to restrict immigration,
by enforcing stricter, more subjective standards

Good news, especially for nervous or shy applicants, the more straightforward test is back

Once again only 6 ot 10 multiple choice questions need to be correct

, and all questions and their correct answers are posted at USCIS’s website to be studied and memorized in advance of the Citizenship interview and testing.

This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach


Foreign Spouse Apply for US Citizenship

When can the Foreign Spouse of a US Citizen apply for Naturalization and become a US Citizen?

You fell in love with someone who lives outside the country. Then, went through the slow and complicated process to help her or him immigrate to the USA on a fiancé or spouse visa.

Later there was the process to apply for your spouse’s lawful permanent residency and green card.

As a Lawful permanent resident your spouse can continue to live in the USA for as long as he or she wants.

And can live here without ever becoming a US citizen.

However your partner can consider becoming a US citizen. This has benefits such as spouse can get a US passport and travel wherever you can go with your US passport.  Your spouse can also vote.

If your spouse is interested in becoming a US citizen, and wants to become one just as soon as he or she is eligible to apply, this video is you.

How soon can your Foreign Spouse apply for US Citizenship?

You are a US citizen and your spouse is a lawful permanent resident.  As early as the day of his or her third anniversary of being granted lawful residency, your spouse is eligible to be sworn in for citizenship.

And in practice many immigrants view it as a matter of pride, to become a US citizen, just as soon as they can. USCIS respects and encourages this eagerness to become “one of us”. So they welcome your spouse to submit his or her application as early as 90 days before the third anniversary.

And in many cases if processing goes smoothly, your partner can get sworn
in as a US citizen as early as on or immediately after the anniversary.

When your partner was issued his or her first green card, if your marriage was less than two years old at that time, your spouse wasn’t given a regular green card, instead was given a temporary, or “conditional” green card.

This green card was only good for two years. Basically US immigration waits to find out how it goes with your marriage.

Just before the conditional green card expires, you and your spouse applied once again to USCIS. This time the application was called “removal of conditions on residency”

When USCIS works quickly and smoothly, the permanent, “unconditional” green card, would be issued within a year of applying, and your spouse would have her or his new green card approved and in-hand well before the time he or she would be eligible to apply for US citizenship.

But currently due to Covid and other factors, USCIS is taking quite a long time to issue the unconditional green card. Now it’s often taking as long as two years.

Does your spouse need to wait for the upgraded green card to be issued
before applying for citizenship?

Does your spouse need to wait potentially much longer than three years?

The good news is “No”, your spouse does not have to wait.

As long as the application to remove conditions was submitted on time,
with the proper evidence, then regardless of whether the case has been approved or still in process, your spouse can apply once the 2 year 9 month
benchmark has been reached.

And because USCIS processing is so slow, and their backlogs are so full, it appears that they are really happy that your partner does not wait for the removal application review to be over, instead they welcome to process citizenship, cause if they approve citizenship, the removal case becomes irrelevant and they can close two cases from their backlog with one stroke at one time

Most of my VisaCoach clients do exactly this. We apply for removal on time,
as that is a fixed requirement in order to extend permission to remain in the USA as a lawful resident, then about 9 months later we apply for US citizenship. My client is usually sworn in close to the three year residency mark, and skipped getting a second green card.

This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach,  here to personally guide you on this journey.