What can you do if visa is Denied ?

What to do if your Fiance Visa is Denied

Despite ones best efforts, sometimes the answer is “no”..

If that should happen to you, here are my suggestions:.


FIRST be sure to confirm, what is your status.

Are you REALLY denied, or just “on hold”.

Ask questions to clarify, such as

“what should I tell my fiance?”

“Why have I been denied?”

“Is there anything that can be done?”

As soon as possible take notes.

Write down for later review: every question and comment, made by the Consular Officer..

Write down: what you said too.

Try to recall the Consular Officer’s body language. What topics did he pay the most attention to? aad ask for more details about?

And, how did he react? friendly, doubtful,suspicious, cold.

What happened that changed the atmosphere? Write this down too.

Try to recall the Consular Officer’s body language. What topics did he pay the most attention to? aad ask for more details about? And, how did he react? friendly, doubtful, suspicious, cold. What happened that changed the atmosphere? Write this down too.

Review with a knowlegible Immigration expert (like me), all that happened during the meeting. Work together to decide “What went wong?” and “What were the issues, “so called red flags” that led the consular officer to his negative decision.

Then armed with this knowledge, plan your next move.

Usually you have two choices appeal, or abandon this first petition, in favor of correcting the problem that caused the denial and starting over by submitting a new petition..

While it is possible to pursue an appeal and a ruling from USCIS, typically it takes a year or longer to get the final answer and Consular decisions regarding visa issuance are rarely (if ever) overturned.

An effective course for most is to regroup, Learn,Identify,correct, and re-submit

Good luck.

By Fred Wahl

your PERSONAL Immigration Guide