St Luke’s Medical Tips

Tips for Visa Medical at St Luke’s

   Tips for St Luke’s Medical

Here are some Tips to have a better experience during your Fiance Visa Medical at St Lukes, in Manila!

All Fiance and Spouse and regular immigration applicants from the Philippines undergo a medical conducted by St. Lukes Medical Clinic, about a block away from the US embassy. On another video I provided details on the 2 Day St. Lukes Process.

Today lets just talk about what to bring to the exam and some ways to help make the medical go smoother.


Each Applicant should bring the following

1. Original and photocopy of passport info page
2. 3x recent 2″ by 2″ visa photos. Ears must be visible, and no earrings.
3. Visa Interview Appointment Email or Letter, plus 2x photocopies
(if appointment has not been scheduled, instead bring NVC letter with MNL case number)
4. St. Lukes Online Registration form + bring 1x copy.
5. Vaccination Records
6. Cash to pay fees
7. Annulled or divorced applicants bring proof of marriage termination

General Recommendations:

Most important. Come on the right day. Monday and Tuesday the clinic is overwhelmed. Arrive on Wednesday or Thursday.

Its a two day process. So don’t start on Friday unless you want to spend the weekend in Manila waiting for the Monday madhouse.

1. Eat a hearty breakfast (it will be a long day and the clinic does not allow food inside)
2. Bring Drinking water, in clear container
3. Bring a black ink, ballpoint pen (for filling in forms)
4. Bring envelope or portfolio to contain your documents, safe and clean
5. Don’t wear any metal jewelry. Can’t wear for x-rays and is not safe.

Recommendations for female:

1. NO exam during your menstrual period. Wait one week after last period is over.
2. Remember the date, of the first day of your last period. You will be asked this.
3. Wear loose clothing, that can easily be removed. All upper garments are at one point be removed.
4. There is little privacy so better to avoid wearing full dress.
5. Bring something to tie long hair with.

It will be a long and tedious day. But it will move you much closer to your reunion with your Fiance in the USA.

By Fred Wahl, YOUR personal immigration Guide.