US Embassy Brazil K1 Visa Interview in Rio Brazil
Embassy Name & Address
Consulate General Of The United States Of America
Av. Pres. Wilson, 147 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ – 20030-020
Contact Information
Phone: (55-21) 3823-2000
Fax: (55-21) 3823-2003
Hours: 08:00 am to 05:00 pm
Immigration: 55 (21) 3823-2000 menu option 1 (from 2.00 to 3.00pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays)
Immigrant Visa Services
Open to the public: 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Mondays and Fridays*)
Phone calls: 2:00 – 3:00 pm (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays)
Embassy URL

Obtaining Police Certificate
Fiancee should obtain Police Certificates.
Police Clearance (From each State in Brazil she has resided as well as the Brazilian Federal Police, and if she lived outside of Brazil after she reached the age of 16, she should obtain a police certificate from each Country/Region she lived in, for over a year). No police certificate is required for her residency in the USA
Certificates of Good Conduct (Atestados de Bons Antecedentes) related to possible violations of state law are available to persons 18 years of age and older from the Secretaria de Seguranca Publica in each of Brazil’s states. Atestados related to possible violations of federal law are available to persons 18 years of age and older from any station (Delegacia) of the National Police (Policia Federal). Criminal records in Brazil are expunged five years after any sentence has been served.
Because each state maintains a separate database of violations of state law, a prospective immigrant must obtain a separate record from the Secretaria de Seguranca Publica of each state in which he or she has resided within the past five years. Additionally, a prospective immigrant must obtain a record from the Policia Federal, since state police records do not include violations of federal law.
For addresses or telephone numbers of Secretarias de Seguranca Publica and Delegacias de Policia Federal an applicant may contact the immigrant visa unit of the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro or access the consulate’s website at: Federal Certificates are also available through the internet as are some State police certificates.
If she has lived in other countries, she should apply for their police certificates asap, as depending on the country they may take a long time to provide. Most Police certificates are valid for 1 year.
Medical Exam Details
As soon as Fiancee receives her Appointment Letter or gets confirmation of the interview, the Fiancee should undergo a Medical Exam.
She must present her passport to the doctor and to the lab as proof of identity. If the passport is not available, her Brazilian ID can be used. She should present a visa photo to the doctor at the moment of the clinical examination and advise the case number. (NOTE: 3 photos 3x4cm for K1 visas)
The doctor’s fee is paid directly by the fiancee. It cannot exceed US$ 130.00. Laboratory fees are also paid by the applicant. The medical examination is generally valid for one year. In some cases the validity is only six months. This generally occurs when the applicant has some kind of illness.
At the end of the medical they should provide her with a sealed envelope of results and X-rays. She MUST NOT open the envelope. She should take it to the interview, still sealed.
It is recommended she brings her vaccinations up to date while at her medical appointment. Having all the required vaccinations is required later when she applies for her Green card in the USA, so by doing it now she will save herself time later.
Certified Doctor’s Addresses, listed by city:
Belo Horizonte:
Dra. Juliana Barbosa Cancado
R. Alvarenga Peixoto 1408 / 1204 – Sto. Agostinho – 30180-121
Tel: (31)3292-3938
Dra. Ma da Gloria B. Cancado
R. dos Otoni, 927, 60 andar S. Efigenia – 30150-270
Tel: (31)3224-2335
Dr. Sebastiao Sergio Rodrigues
Av. Barbacena, 670 30 Andar – Barro Preto – 30190-130
Tel: (31) 3337-8080
Dr. Francisco Airton B. Oliveira
Centro Clinico Sul – Torre II Q. 716 Sul conj L. s. T 0219 Piso da Praca – 70390-700
Dra. Mirian T.Matsuno Carvalho
R. Alm. Tamandare, 999 Alto da XV – 80040-110
Tel. (41)3264-9976
Dra. Andrea Virginia C. Markman
R. Carlos Pereira Falcao, 231 – Boa Viagem – 51021-350
Tel: (81) 3465-1562 (81) 3467-3985 / (81) 3467-3986
Dr. Fabio Marinho Barros
Av Portugal, 163 70 Andar Sl 6 – Paissandu – 52010-010
Ed. Garagem
Real Hosp. Portugues de Beneficencia em Pernambuco
Tel: (81) 3416-1096 (81) 3221-1323
Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Alexandru Buescu
R. Barao de Lucena, 48 sala 7 – Botafogo – 22260-020
Tel:(21)2527-3477 (21)2266-5340
Dr. Aurelio Garrido
Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 135/904 – Leblon – 22440-010
Tel:(21)2274-8641 (21)2490-4310
Dra. Debora Vieira Soares
R. Barao de Lucena, 48 sala 7 – Botafogo – 22260-020
Tel:(21)2527-3477 (21)2266-5340 (21)9956-0572
Dr. Joaquim Duarte
R. Mexico, 21/1901, Centro – Castelo – 20031-144
Sao Paulo
Dr. Celso Rodrigues Fava
Av. Angelica, 2503 – 14 andar Cj. 144 – Higienopolis – 01227-200
Dr. Edwin Castello Filho
R. Jose Maria Lisboa, 861/104 – Jardins – 01424-001
Tel:(11)3884-9132 (11)9945-4856
Dr. Joao Jorge Leite
R. Sergipe, 441 / 111A – Higienopolis – 1243-001
Tel:(11)3663-0404 (11)3661-9522
Dra. Maria Emilia Gadelha Serra R. Joaquim Floriano
533 – 10 andar Itaim Bibi 4534-011
Tel:(11) 3078-6777
Cost of Medical Exam
US$130 / ~R$250 – this is an estimate that includes the medical appointment itself. There is an additional cost for blood tests and x-rays. These vary a great deal according to the city/state the beneficiary attends the appointment.
Prices for Dr. Joaquim Durate Silva as of July 2011:
Appointment: R$220.00
X-Ray: R$20.00
– MMR: R$70.00
– Varicella: R$150.00
Gynecological exam (at other office): R$60.00
Blood Test: R$27,83 – Laboratario Lacmina
Price of Dr. Celso Rodrigues Fava, Sao Paulo (April 2011):
350 reais total for entire exam.
The testing takes place right across the street from the main office and then the exam/questions in his office. Exams are scheduled for the afternoon only.
By Fred Wahl