Applying for US Citizenship
Generally, a person who aims to naturalize will have first to become a permanent resident.
Becommng a US citizen, you obtain numerous rights that in fact permament residents or others would not have, this includes the right to vote.
To qualify for naturalization, you need to first meet particular requirements.
What are Naturalization’s basic requirements?
The procedure of obtaining US citizenship is known as Naturalization. To qualify for Naturalization, you will need to first meet particular requirements.
To qualify for Naturalization you have to:
- Be 18 years old and above
- Have been a permanent resident for a particular amount of time (commonly 3 to 5 years, based on how you aquired your status
- Possess a basic understanding of US government
- Had both a time period of ongoing residence as well as physical presence within the United States
- Have the ability to write, read and converse English
When is it okay to make an application for naturalization?
You’re most probably qualified to apply for naturalization if you’re at least 18 years old and have actually been a permanent resident in the United States:
- For at least 5 years or
- For at least 3 years while continuously and still in a marriage relationhip with your US citizen husband or wife
- After honorable sevice in the United States military
By Fred Wahl
the Visa Coach